Chickens for Sale


Yummy Gardens, Melbourne have a variety of chickens for sale, with availability varying throughout the year.

meeting the girls - new chooks

See our chicken breeds page for more information on our range of chooks.

Chickens make wonderful backyard pets and are great with children, as well as the kids being able to learn about where eggs really come from!

Chooks are available from Point of Lay and availability will vary depending on the time of year.



Australorp Utility

Silkie Bantams

Buff Cochins

Pearl Guinea Fowl

We have delayed the sale of chooks due to a large number of roosters in our recent hatches so that we have enough hens available. We will have 16 week old hens available from Saturday 22nd March 2025. They are $75each.

Please call Greg from this date to arrange a time for collection on 0431 382 230. 

We do not hold or reserve chickens prior.

You will need to bring a suitable box or cat carrier to transport your girls home in. We do not have Eftpos facilities.

We welcome you to Contact Us online or phone Greg on 0431 382 230 with your enquiry today.

To Yummy Gardens Melbourne Home from Chickens for Sale

Chook BreedsChook Houses 

Yummy Gardens

Call us today 

0431 382 230

P.O Box 47 

St Andrews, 

Vic 3761

getting started with chooks

Getting Started with Chooks ..

Getting Ready to Plant Your Summer Vegetable Garden?

Here's the Guide