FAQs - Starting a Vegetable Garden, Keeping Chooks and more..

Here are our most frequently asked questions in regards to starting a vegetable garden, keeping chooks and garden maintenance.

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Garden Questions

What if I don't have a large backyard for a vegetable garden?

You don’t need to have a large area; it’s more a matter of finding a suitable area where the garden will get sufficient light. You might put the beds up against a fence, on your verandah or use the garden beds as a focal point for the backyard.

What if I don't have time to water the garden beds?

It doesn’t take a long time to water your veggie garden however you don’t need to stand there with a hose. We can help you with a drip irrigation system with a timer which will do all the watering for you.

Once my vegetable garden is set up, when can I start picking?

This depends on what you are planting. For example pumpkins take several months to grow and mature, peas can be picked from 12 weeks and you can start picking the outer leaves of greens such as silverbeet and some lettuces after 4 weeks.

What are the advantages of having a raised vegetable bed?

A raised garden bed gives you the options of filling it with an organic potting mix or utilizing the 'no dig' practice both which can be planted into immediately.

In many areas the existing soil needs a lot of work including the adding of compost and manures which need to be worked over for some time prior to it being planted out. In heavy clay or sandy soils it can then take many years with regular adding of compost and manures to achieve a satisfactory result.

Chook Questions

Can I keep chickens in the area of Melbourne that I live in?

Most councils allow a few hens to be kept however they may have strict controls around keeping roosters in suburban areas, as roosters can crow early in the morning. If you have any concerns please check with your council. The good news is if you are keeping poultry for eggs you don’t need to have a rooster.

Are chooks smelly?

No chooks are not smelly however like all animals you will need to clean out the chook house once or twice a year or with a coop maybe more often. Chook poo is extremely rich in nitrogen and makes a great fertilizer for your garden or fruit trees.

Are chooks difficult to keep?

Chooks need access to fresh water on an ongoing basis together with chook pellets, mash or grains. If they have access to an outside area they will happily scratch and pick in this area during the day. Chooks are generally docile animals and will return to the hen house each evening. If you are going away for a few days the chooks will be okay kept in the chook house providing they have access to water and feed.

How many chickens will I need?

It all depends on how many eggs you use. The easiest way is to work on the basis of 5-6 eggs per week from one chook.

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