About Us

Yummy Gardens - Melbourne, Australia

Yummy Gardens was started by husband and wife team Greg and Rebecca Parsons after a lifetime of growing our own organic, chemical free produce, chicken keeping and rearing. In addition to supplying friends, family and work colleagues with fresh produce and eggs on a regular basis, we were constantly being sought for advice on fruit and vegetable growing and poultry keeping.

Because it's a passion of ours, we decided to help others enjoy the benefits of growing and eating their own home grown produce and owning chickens through Yummy Gardens.

Veggie Garden Yummy Gardens Melbourne

For the past 18 years Yummy Gardens has been designing and building chook houses and chook runs, building raised veggie beds with drip irrigation, setting up enclosed hooped orchards, breeding and selling chickens and supplying cypress macrocarpa timber.

We are now at that stage in life where we have semi-retired and want more time to work on projects for ourselves which has led to our recent change of business structure. We have decided that we will not be doing any more construction work and will concentrate on ethically sourced timber supplies and veggie bed kits designed for convenience and ease of assembly that people can put together themselves. We will also keep breeding and selling chickens however we have reduced the range we had to a few of our favourite pure bred varieties.

We are passionate about helping others experience the benefits of organic fruit and vegetable growing and poultry keeping in their own backyard. There's nothing that beats going out to your backyard to dig up a few potatoes for dinner, picking some greens for a salad from your own plot or collecting eggs from your own chooks. It is as simple as that.

We welcome you to Contact Us online or phone Greg on 0431 382 230 with your enquiry today.

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Yummy Gardens

Call us today 

0431 382 230

P.O Box 47 

St Andrews, 

Vic 3761

getting started with chooks

Getting Started with Chooks ..

Getting Ready to Plant Your Autumn Vegetable Garden?

Here's the Guide