Yummy Gardens Galleries

Yummy Gardens have several galleries so that you can view some of the gardens that we have worked on, chook houses that have been installed, as well as chooks and vegetables that we nurture in our own 'Yummy Garden'. Please note that we no longer design or build chook houses & veggie gardens. We've left these galleries here to hopefully provide some inspiration on what can be achieved when planning your own projects. We do still sell Cypress Macrocarpa timber, veggie bed kits & breed chooks.

Just click on the image below that you are interested in and you'll be taken straight to that gallery

Raised Vegetable Beds

Garden Makeovers 

Growing Vegetables

Backyard Orchards

Chook Houses & Runs


We welcome you to Contact Us online or phone Greg on 0431 382 230 with your enquiry today.

To Yummy Gardens Home from Yummy Gardens Galleries

Yummy Gardens

Call us today 

0431 382 230

P.O Box 47 

St Andrews, 

Vic 3761

getting started with chooks

Getting Started with Chooks ..

Getting Ready to Plant Your Autumn Vegetable Garden?

Here's the Guide